transmog gold farming

Another week calls for another update, welcome to week 3 of my transmog gold farming series and thank you for joining me on my journey once again.

I was a little busier this week so I didn’t get to farm as much. Despite this I still managed to hit last weeks goal of reaching 1000+ transmog items on the auction house. It also seems like the hard work is starting to pay off a little.

Now that I’ve reached the 1000 items mark I will likely now only be posting items I deem worth the posting times. For now the bare minimum is an item worth 200g+ and a good sale rate of (~0.05) or above.

If you are new here and would like to see all of my posts related to this transmog gold farming series click here.

What I Farmed This Week

This week I farmed the following:

  • Razorfen Kraul for 30 runs in 1 hour 44 minutes
  • Uldaman for 20 runs in 1 hour 53 minutes
  • Blackrock Depths for 25 runs in 2 hours 6 minutes
  • Sludge Fen (Open World) for 49 minutes

Total time transmog gold farming this week = 6 hours 32 minutes

razorfen kraul transmog
Razorfen Kraul

Razorfen Kraul is another dungeon that has some great items and it’s also a dungeon with a loot pool I haven’t touched yet in this series. I only farmed it for 1 hour and 44 minutes this week so I’ll definitely be back for more later on.

uldaman transmog gold farming

Uldaman is a dungeon known to almost all transmog gold farmers. It contains some of the rarest transmog items in the game, like the Papal Fez, that can sell for millions of gold. However despite this its loot pool of greens in general isn’t too great. If you’re farming this dungeon you’ll be looking to get the blues such as the Ginn-Su Sword.

Now that I’ve got a sizeable auction house (at least in terms of numbers) my search for some of the most elusive WoW transmog items in Uldaman begin.

blackrock depths transmog gold farming
Blackrock Depths

Another dungeon known commonly said to be a good auction house transmog filler is Blackrock Depths and from my 2 hours and 6 minutes so far in this dungeon this week I can confirm this.

The dungeon has a crazy amount of low tier transmog items (50g-500g) that are fast selling, however at this point I’m not really looking for those smaller items but the blues that can drop here such as the Doomforged Straightedge which I got this week.

sludge fen transmog gold farming
Sludge Fen

Sludge Fen is the first open world farm I’ve done in this series and it’s an amazing farm which will likely get even better once I manage to complete my druid speed set. Despite farming solo with my slow druid I still managed to get some very nice drops which you’ll find below.

Notable Drops

Razorfen Kraul

ItemPrice/Gold (my realm)NA medianEU median
Avenger’s Armor21,400g200,000g84,300g
Raincaller Vest x 215,700g14,000g14,700g
Raincaller Scepter10,700g10,700g11,700g


ItemPrice/Gold (my realm)NA medianEU median
Excavator’s Brand x 23000g18,700g14,000g

Blackrock Depths

ItemPrice/Gold (my realm)NA medianEU median
Doomforged Straightedge85,000g94,300g80,000g
The Judge’s Gavel10,000g10,600g13,200g
Pattern: Black Dragonscale Shoulders6500g6500g14,000g

Sludge Fen

ItemPrice/Gold (my realm)NA medianEU median
Charger’s Boots80,000g19,000g22,900g
Barbaric Cloth Belt55,800g40,200g28,400g
Aboriginal Bands15,000g21,800g38,300g
Tribal Buckler x 213,200g49,100g63,200g
Brackwater Cloak10,000g51,400g60,200g
Grizzly Belt5000g30,500g8100g
Aboriginal Loincloth5000g10,000g14,400g

Gold Earned

This week I made a total of 174,654g and here is the breakdown:

  • ~153,000g from transmog sales from 65 items
  • ~2000g from trade goods sales
  • 6512g from raw gold + vendored items

If you do the math for this you’ll find that it only adds up to ~161,500g which means ~13,000g is unaccounted for, which most likely is from items that sell but weren’t apart of my transmog or trade goods groups although they should of been.

Unfortunately it seems with TSM it’s a little hard to get precise and reliable tracking but rest assured the weekly total made is easy to calculate so I know for sure that 174,654g is accurate as it’s just a matter of simple subtraction.

If we however take a look at the actual amount TSM reports I collected from my sales this week. I got a total of 168,142g. Given I made 6512g from raw gold + vendored items if we take 168,142g + 6512g + 101,309g (last weeks gold) we get ~276,000g which is accurate to the gold amount I ended the week with.

wow transmog gold
This weeks auction sales: 168,142g
total gold this week
Week 3 Gold Total: 275,963g

Transmog Sale Ranges Breakdown

Last week a reader recommended that I track item sales using price ranges so I implemented the following price ranges to track into my TSM. 0g – 499g, 500g – 999g, 1000g – 9999g, 10,000g – 99,999g and 100,000g – Max Gold.

For ease of understanding and reading though I will be referring to these ranges as 0g – 500g, 500g – 1000g, 1000g – 10,000g etc. just to make it a little easier to read.

So the breakdown of my transmog sales in these price ranges are as follows:

  • 6461g in sales from 35 items in the 0g-500g range.
  • 7573g in sales from 14 items in the 500g-1000g range.
  • 35,249g in sales from 14 items the 1000g-10,000g range.
  • 103,771g in sales from 2 items in the 10,000g-100,000g range.
  • 0g in sales from the 100,000g-Max Gold range.

Notable Sales

ItemSold For
Caniki’s Cane of Command74,966g
Spiked Chain Slippers28,804g
Outrunner’s Slippers5,624g
Recruit’s Boots4,718g
Squire’s Pants4,127g
Recruit’s Pants3,587g
Squire’s Vest3,578g
Recruit’s Vest3,179g
Recruit’s Boots3,010g
Raincaller Robes2,321g
War Paint Waistband1,899g
Scraggly Hat1,072g
transmog sales
Transmog Sales: 153,055g
trade goods sales
Trade Goods Sales: 2,226g

Next Weeks Goals

With my auction house reaching 1000+ transmog items I plan to shift my focus to dungeons such as Uldaman, seeking to obtain rarer more expensive items rather than farms that are for filling up the auction house.

I may also return to Iron Docks or even branch out to other expansions. I’m currently working on a speed set for my druid but it’s currently a work in progress. A reader recommended BFA island expeditions last week which I’ll also consider for the future.

Wrap Up

To end this week I have 1116 transmog items on the auction house with a market value of 3.3 million gold.

  • 523 items in the 0g-500g range
  • 181 items in the 500g-1000g range
  • 370 items in the 1000g-10,000g range
  • 39 items in the 10,000g-100,000g range
  • 3 items in the 100,000g-Max Gold range

This week was an amazing week for me with the sale of a couple big items, with the most notable being the Caniki’s Cane of Command, which I got from Iron Docks last week.

While my sales has increased week on week so far I’m fairly certain that ends this week as beating 174,654g next week will be unlikely unless I am really lucky. I sold a total of 65 transmog items this week and with a total of 1116 transmog items on the auction house that means I sold ~5.8% of my transmog stock this week.

I end this week with a total of 275,963g which is just shy of a NA WoW token! Thank you for reading and I hope to see you again in week 4 of my transmog gold farming series.

Total Gold: 275,963g

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